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Do you really believe that your God accepts that you are damaging any being, or that he is accepting it, that you impose your beliefs on other people?
If you believe this then you do not believe in your God rather in violence. No God teaches or recompenses violence.
There gave and there gives no "holy warriors". God will punish anyone who believes in violence.
I think the highest representatives of all existing faiths should meet to ride, swim or play golf, in public, in front of running cameras, to show all people in the whole world that they are one. It is not important that the representatives of the faiths should agree one hundred percent on the direction or manner of the ceremony. But it is important that peace be taught to the faithful. The basic message of all faiths is peace and peacefulness.
And, in one of the main faiths, not only in terms of "people" but in relation to all beings. So also plants and animals.
There is one faith in whose name, many mistakes have happened in the past, and one of those faiths is currently threatened by people who think they have to wage war in whose name. This has to change. We must learn to forgive, and this too is one of the main concerns of faith.
It is important to secure world peace forever, to protect and feed the poor, to protect, preserve and honor the plants and animals.
These are the main tasks of the faith. The discovery of the prophets is very simple. If we all behave the same, according to very simple rules, we can trust yourself and trust others. Then exactly happen that what I'm talking about our brain has not to think about what could be happen. We know now what is happen. Nobody harms another. Nobody lies, nobody punishes, nobody takes the wife of the other, the strong help the weak and so on. Everyone has a home, everyone lives in peace, with themselves, the humans, animals and plants. Our brain is now free and does not have to think about fighting any more. That feels good and gives us the power to really create something new. We do not have to go to Mars to get material in mines any more . We just fly there because we want to see him.
We are all sisters and brothers, there is no reason to battle or to fight.
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